Wallpaper Samples
GET WALLPAPER SAMPLES BY MAILIf you are not sure yet whether your favorite wallpapers really suit you, you can easily order A4 samples and get them by mail. This will give you a better idea of the color, structure, material, and quality and helps you choose the right wallpaper!
We offer a sample service for most wallpaper. You can recognize this by the "A4 sample" button on the product page. Select "A4 Sample", place this item into your shopping cart and go to the checkout where you can order the sample with a few clicks.
Note: You can buy a maximum of 10 samples per order. We only charge € 2.99 €3.99 €5.99 €6.00 per sample. After receiving your payment, we will cut the sample from the original wallpaper roll and send it. For deliveries to countries outside the EU, we charge shipping costs of € 14.90.
If for a certain wallpaper the button "A4 sample" is not displayed on the product page, it is unfortunately not possible to send a sample.